DR Stage 2 /The Future Brand 2018-3-28

Section 1 Bullet Journel

  • > Future Brands Identify and evaluate the key areas which have potential to be focused.
  • > Analysing ‘Brand’: Past & Now & Future
  • Review Maslow ‘Hierarchy of Needs’
  • Review Marty Neumeier ‘Brnad The Gap’ & ‘ZAG’

Section 2 Literature Rivew Outcomes

‘Brand the Gap’ Book Review

What Is A Brand?

- Gut feeling
- Solid relationship
- Certain expectation

[RefCode,BTBG] Export Filelink

Nature of A Brand: Shifting of Differentiation

[RefCode,BTBG] Export Filelink

The future of brands: Market Evolution

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  1. Building power of emotional Intelligence
  2. Service-led Market
  3. Customer-Centric Concept
  4. Shifting from short-term sale to long-term support
  5. Products and service seen to be more focused on long-term contribution

Section 3 Bibliography

  • Neumeier, M., 2007. Zag: the number-one strategy of high-performance brands: a whiteboard overview. AIGA : New Riders, Berkeley, Calif.
  • Neumeier, M., 2006. The brand gap: how to bridge the distance between business strategy and design: a whiteboard overview, Rev. ed. ed. New Riders, Berkekley, CA.
  • David Lester, 2013. Measuring Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Psychol Rep 113, 15–17. https://doi.org/10.2466/02.20.PR0.113x16z1
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